Thursday, April 14, 2011

Wedded Bliss

I am heading off to Vancouver tomorrow to hubbies cousin's wedding so I needed to make a card.........I don't make many wedding cards so I went looking on split coast stampers, and to the occasion's gallery.....and found this beautiful card by Lynn Pratt at
Stamp-n-Design which came with a template.......even better :) Check out her blog, it's fantastic.......thanks Lynn for posting this fab template.

So here is the card I came up with....... 
Some basic black, baja breeze and presto patterns designer card stock and I was good to go.......added some rhinestones and glitter and Ta Da!!!

and the inside......

a close up of the groom.....( sorry a little blurry)
and the dress......I used the presto patterns specialty paper from Stampin' up, and the white organza ribbon and of course the rhinestones :) I popped up the pieces on the dress with Stampin' dimensionals.
a close up of the big butterfly......which I sprinkled with dazzling diamonds, and added some rhinestones!!!
I like how it turned out :) Thanks for looking!!!

1 comment:

  1. G.O.R.G.E.O.U.S.!!!!!!!!!!!! OMGosh - I LOVE this! I'm sure out of ALL the wedding cards the new couple received, yours will ALWAYS be remembered. Love it!!!!
